Coaches are the backbone of our organization and make a positive difference in the lives of Utah's teens.

Coaches do not have to be experienced mountain bikers, they just need a desire to mentor youth, and we're here to help. NICA's Coach Licensing program provides the training and education coaches need to provide a safe and positive environment while having fun; and ensures that all adults working with our students have met the Safe Kids Policy criteria, and are insured.

how to register as a coach

Coach registration starts with logging into the Pit Zone. If you are a returning coach, log in with the same email and password that you used previously. If you are a new coach, ask your head coach for a Coach Pit Zone Invite. Once you receive an invite, follow the one-time link to set up your account in the pit zone.

Once your password is set up, all coaches should click on the prompt from their home page to begin season registration. This will prompt coaches to complete their information, background check, waiver and $25 payment.

Once your registration is complete, follow the “access coach courses” button from your home page in the Pit Zone to complete the online trainings necessary for your license level. Coaches working toward levels 2 and 3 will also need to complete additional in-person trainings.

Scroll down for a chart of the requirements for each coach license level.

The Pit Zone opens on March 1, 2025 for coach registration. All annual requirements can be completed after March 1. Requirements that do not expire annually (including First Aid , On-the-Bike, and Leaders Summit Training) can be completed before March 1, please remember to save and upload your certificates of completion.

the Minimum requirement to ride with/coach our students is License Level 1 as per NICA "Safe Kids Policy". For more detailed info about coach licensing requirements, visit NICA’s Coach Licensing Page.

Coach License Levels and Requirements

License Requirement

Level 1

Age 18+

Level 2

Age 21+

Level 3

Age 21+

Role Description:

Can ride with the team but can not lead a group or a practice.

Can lead a specific group within a team. Has the ability to plan practices under Head Coach Supervision

Can plan practices and lead groups. Plans ride schedules and training plans as directed by Head Coach.. This level can also be a Head Coach or Team Director

Participation Agreement

Required Annually

Required Annually

Required Annually

Coach License Membership Fee - $25

Required Annually

Required Annually

Required Annually

Background Check

Required Annually

Required Annually

Required Annually

Athlete Abuse Awareness Training

Required. Expires after 2 years.

Required. Expires after 2 years.

Required. Expires after 2 years.

NFHS: Concussion in Sports

Required Annually

Required Annually

Required Annually

NICA Coach License Level 1, 2 and 3

Required every 2 years

Required every 2 years

Required every 2 years

NICA Philosophy & Risk Management

Required Annually

Required Annually

Required Annually

Not Required

Required: Must maintain certification

Required: Must maintain certification

NICA Approved First Aid
(Less than 1hr to definitive care- determined by the Emergency Action Plan for your practice area)
OR (more info HERE)
(Greater than 1hr to definitive care )

Not Required

Not Required

Required: Must maintain certification

Not Required

20 hours required

80 hours required

Not Required

Required (one time only)

Required (one time only)

Not Required

Not Required


Level 3 Exam

Not Required

Not Required


Continuing Education Units (CEU)

Not Required

3 units required every 3 years

6 units required every 3 years

Basic First Aid/CPR, AFA, and WFA classes recognized by nica

Basic First Aid

-Any in-person course or hybrid online and in-person course with at minimum a 4 hour duration focused on first aid skills and scenarios.

Advanced First Aid (8 hours)

-A course approved by NICA for Level 3 Coaches with teams practicing inside 1 hour to definitive care.
See more information HERE - determined by Emergency Action Plan for your practice area

Wilderness First Aid (16 hours)

-Any in-person course or hybrid online and in-person course with a minimum 16 hour duration.
See more information HERE - determined by Emergency Action Plan for your practice area

Background checks

The NICA background check provider and screening process schedule has changed. Coaches will now undergo a yearly background check with Sterling Volunteers. The screening process schedule and pricing rotates between Complete, Advanced, and Basic checks. This change allows NICA and the League to be compliant with risk management policies and meet youth sports standards, while also minimizing yearly costs to coaches.
Year 1 (Complete Background Check) fee to coach: $38.00
Year 2 - 6  fee to coach: $11.00


First Year Teams 
Team fee waived, contact your regional director if you are the head coach of a first year team. Still required to have at least one registered Level 2 Coach in order to hold insured practices.

Second Year Teams 
Required to have at least one registered Level 3 Coach to receive compliancy discount.

Third Year Teams 
Head Coach maintains a Level 3 License to receive compliancy discount.

Do you have a question about coach training or licensing that you need an answer for? - You can use the NICA Coach Help Desk.

coach licensing faq’s

Updated 02/19/2021

Over the past year, the NICA Coach Licensing Team undertook a project to significantly enhance the substance and quality of the educational content contained in the Coach Licensing program. As of March 1st, 2021 when Pitzone opens for Fall Leagues, there will be new interactive e-learning courses for each license level.

  1. What is changing?

    1. The current Risk Management video webinars are being replaced by interactive, e-learning courses. The new Coach License courses will be required every two years unless you choose to pursue the next license level.

    2. The current NICA Student-Athlete Coaching Philosophy video webinar is being replaced by a new e-learning course titled NICA Philosophy and Risk Management. This course is still required annually for all NICA adult volunteers, coaches, and event staff.

  2. Why is NICA making these changes?

    1. While the previous program focused on the critical aspects of safety and risk management, the NICA Coach Licensing department wanted to add more content related to coaching NICA student-athletes. The new program contains significantly more substance and improves the quality of the learning experience. These updated courses will cover a wider variety of topics to give NICA coaches more knowledge, resources and tools to help them get #morekidsonbikes.

  3. Do I need to do anything different to access these courses?

    1. No. When you register as a coach through Pit Zone, you will still be prompted to complete all the annual requirements for your coach license. When you access the Litmos online learning platform, instead of the previous Risk Management videos, you will see the new e-learning courses. Each course also contains a tutorial on how to navigate through the course environment.

  4. Are the license level requirements changing?

    1. Slightly. All the current requirements remain the same except that Coach License Level courses are now required every two years to maintain that license level. See the Coach Licensing Program page on the NICA or League Website for more detailed information on Licensing Requirements.

  5. How does this impact returning coaches?

    1. Just like in prior years, returning coaches will complete the following requirements:

      1. Participation Agreement

      2. Pay any applicable Coach License Membership Fees

      3. Background Check (click for more details)

      4. Concussion Training (click for more details)

      5. Athlete Abuse Awareness video series (every two years)

      6. NICA Philosophy and Risk Management e-learning course
        (This replaces the NICA Student-Athlete Coaching Philosophy video webinar)

    2. In Litmos, coaches will find and open the Learning Pathway corresponding to their most recent license level. After completion, their license will be renewed at the previous level.

      1. After completion, coaches can either work towards fulfilling the requirements of the next license level or;

      2. Stay at their current license level where they will be required to take that license level course every two years.

  6. How does a coach pursue the next coach license level?

    1. Returning coaches will see all courses and can select the course at their desired license level.

      1. For example, Coach Jim is a returning Level 2 Coach. On March 1st, 2021 he completes the Level 2 course to maintain his current license level. He can then work towards his Level 3 License by working through the Level 3 Learning Pathway.

  7. Can a coach take a lower license level if they want?

    1. Yes, extra learning is always encouraged! Again, when a coach enters Litmos, they will have access to all license level courses. If they choose to take a lower level course after completing their current level course, they can get CEU credit by downloading the certificate at the end of the course and uploading to their PitZone profile.

      1. For example, Coach Sam is a returning Level 3 Coach. He completes his Level 3 Course to retain his Level 3 License for the Fall 2021 Season. He is so stoked on the new course material that he really wants to check out the Level 1 and 2 courses. He takes those courses, downloads a certificate of completion from each one, then uploads the certificates to his PitZone profile for CEU credit. He learned more stuff and got credit!

    2. The CEU Credit will be awarded as follows:

      1. Level 1= 2 CEU credits

      2. Level 2= 4 CEU credits

  8. What is the effect on new coaches?

    1. New coaches shouldn’t notice anything different since they haven’t seen the previous version of the coach licensing program!

  9. When does the 2 year cycle for retaking a course begin?

    1. It starts on the date a course is completed. The expiration date will appear in a coaches PitZone profile. Depending on when the course is completed, they may need to retake a course in the middle of a season in two years.

    2. If a coach takes the next higher level course in the middle of their two year cycle, the “clock” resets and they will retake their new license level course two years from that completion date.

    3. For example, Coach Mary is a Level 2 coach from the previous season.

      1. On March 27th 2021, she completes the License Level 2 course in Litmos. She would need to retake the Level 2 course by March 27th, 2023 to stay at Level 2.

      2. During the season, Mary decides to complete her Level 3 license. She finishes the License Level 3 online course on September 14th, 2021. She would now need to retake the Level 3 course by September 14th, 2023 to maintain her Level 3 License.

  10. will i need to upload anything?

    1. The new e-learning courses do NOT require any additional certificate or verification upload. Completion of the Course and all other requirements in the Learning Pathway will automatically update your Pit Zone profile.

    2. You will still need to upload certificates for verification of Concussion Training, First Aid/WFA, CPR, OTB Skills Clinics, Leader Summit Attendance and CEU’s.

  11. How much time are the new courses going to take to complete?

    1. Based on testing of the new courses, completion time is estimated as follows:

      1. Level 1: 1-2 hours

      2. Level 2: 2-3 hours

      3. Level 3: 3-4 hours

    2. While the completion time for the new courses may take a little longer than the previous Risk Management video webinars, two things are important to consider.

      1. The new courses are now on a two year cycle. While it may take a little longer on the front end, coaches won’t have to retake them every year.

      2. The substance, quality and relevance of the information being presented will make these courses significantly more engaging.

  12. Do i need to complete the courses all at one time?

    1. No, the courses are self-paced so you can work on them when convenient for you. Your progress will be saved if you leave the course. When you return to the course, you automatically go back to where you left off.

  13. Once I start the module, how long do I have to complete it?

    1. Other than the end of your Leagues season, there is no time limit to complete. However, you must be a minimum of a Level 1 coach to participate in NICA activities, practices or races.

  14. How do i access these courses?

    1. The courses are located in the NICA Litmos system. Access these courses by clicking on the Access Coach Courses button in your Pit Zone home page or from the Coach License Page in your Pit Zone Profile. There is no direct login access to Litmos. Remember to always access Litmos through Pitzone.

  15. Can I fail the Knowledge Checkpoints in each module? What is required to pass?

    1. The knowledge checks within each module are solely intended to reinforce your learning. They are not scored and do not contribute to course completion. There will be a final assessment after completion of the whole course where a passing grade is required.

  16. Is there a final exam for each license level? What is required to pass?

    1. Each License Level Course concludes with a final exam. A score of 80% or higher is required to pass and receive credit for course completion. You can take the test an unlimited amount of times to achieve your passing grade.

we’re here to help!

Have any questions? Please reach out to our coach Training Specialist and Regional Coach Representatives!

Region 1 Coach Representative

David Bodily

Team: Sky View HS

Region 2 Coach Representative

Ben Butterfield

Team: Farmington HS

Region 3 Coach Representative

Rochelle Bartschi

Team: West Granite Comp

Region 4 Coach Representative

Jamin Cannon

Team: Westlake HS

Region 5 Coach Representative

Scott Preston

Team: Wasatch HS

Region 6 Coach Representative

Eric Fawson

Team: Panguitch HS